Package congress :: Module congress :: Class Congress
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Class Congress

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node.Node --+

Main DHT class. The main event loop is a member of this class, and all peers and other pyev callbacks attach to this loop.
Instance Methods [hide private]
_debug(self, message) source code
_hit_peer(self, peer)
Update the node's k-buckets with the peer, using a simplified version of the kademlia specification's routine for updating k-buckets.
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_node_id_present(self, node_id)
Determine if any of the connected peers have the specified 160-bit node ID.
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_conn_present(self, conn)
Determine if the given (address, port) tuple is presently connected via any of the peers.
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At node, start, create 160 k-buckets and 160 replacement buckets. Currently, replacement buckets are not used but the peer is placed into them if a bucket's peer count is over k.
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_closest_peers(self, id, how_many, filter_id=None)
Given the specified 160-bit ID, use the k-buckets to return, at most, how_many closest peers to the ID using a XOR metric (id XOR
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rpc_get(self, key, callback)
Since value retrieval is async, provide a callback that will handle the value.
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rpc_store(self, key, value)
Store hashed key: val with k closest connected peers.
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rpc_chat(self, node_id, chat_message)
Initiate an RPC_CHAT message.
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register_chat_callback(self, callback)
Store a callable in our chat callbacks list. Each will be called in order of registration, when we receive an RPC_CHAT with a target_node_id that matches our server's 160-bit ID.
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peer_cleanup(self, peer)
When error handling or explicit peer removal schedules a peer object for removal, this function is called to remove it from all applicable buckets by the core removal routine.
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bootstrap_peer(self, conn_address, id=None)
Add a peer. This function does not add it to k-buckets, as this is handled by the final handshake callback.
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_setup_ctl_socket(self, port=29800)
Setup a socket to listen for simple control connections.
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__init__(self, host='', port=16800, initial_peers=[], debug=False, ctl_port=None, pyev_loop=None, debug_file=None) source code
    Inherited from node.Node
_gen_id(self) source code
_remove_peer(self, peer) source code
_sig_cb(self, watcher, events) source code
_sock_ev(self, watcher, events) source code
_timer_cb(self, watcher, events) source code
add_peer(self, conn, connect=False, existing_socket=None) source code
debug_peers(self) source code
enqueue_message(self, message) source code
handle_message(self, message, peer) source code
register_handshake(self, func, peer=None)
Any time a new incoming connectin is made, the argument will be executed with the arguments peer and the server itself.
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register_message_callback(self, message, func) source code
register_message_handler(self, atype, func) source code
register_message_timeout(self, message, func, peer, timeout=3) source code
register_timed(self, interval, func) source code
shutdown(self) source code
start(self) source code
Method Details [hide private]

_debug(self, message)

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Overrides: node.Node._debug

_hit_peer(self, peer)

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Update the node's k-buckets with the peer, using a simplified version of the kademlia specification's routine for updating k-buckets.
  • peer

_closest_peers(self, id, how_many, filter_id=None)

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Given the specified 160-bit ID, use the k-buckets to return, at most, how_many closest peers to the ID using a XOR metric (id XOR
  • id - 160-bit ID
  • how_many - The maximum number of peers to return, usually k.

rpc_get(self, key, callback)

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Since value retrieval is async, provide a callback that will handle the value.
  • key - String key
  • callback - Callable to execute when we get the value.

rpc_store(self, key, value)

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Store hashed key: val with k closest connected peers.
  • key - string key
  • value - Any python value that is json serializable.

rpc_chat(self, node_id, chat_message)

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Initiate an RPC_CHAT message.
  • node_id - The 160-bit ID of the peer you'd like to send a message to. It need not be a connected peer, just a known ID.
  • chat_message - The message to send.

register_chat_callback(self, callback)

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Store a callable in our chat callbacks list. Each will be called in order of registration, when we receive an RPC_CHAT with a target_node_id that matches our server's 160-bit ID.

The signature of the callable should be as follows:
cb(source_node, chat_message, server, peer)

peer_cleanup(self, peer)

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When error handling or explicit peer removal schedules a peer object for removal, this function is called to remove it from all applicable buckets by the core removal routine.
Overrides: node.Node.peer_cleanup

bootstrap_peer(self, conn_address, id=None)

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Add a peer. This function does not add it to k-buckets, as this is handled by the final handshake callback.
  • conn_address - (hostname, port) tuple of the peer
  • id - The ID is supplied if FIND_NODE replies provide the peer.

_setup_ctl_socket(self, port=29800)

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Setup a socket to listen for simple control connections.
  • port - The port that local connections can use.

__init__(self, host='', port=16800, initial_peers=[], debug=False, ctl_port=None, pyev_loop=None, debug_file=None)

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  • initial_peers - List of (hostname, port) tuples to connect to.
  • debug - If True, many debug messages will be printed.
  • ctl_port - Local port for the control socket.
  • pyev_loop - If you have your own pyev loop to attach the node to, supply it here.
Overrides: node.Node.__init__